How to Make Sure Your Mobile App Project Stays on Track During COVID-19

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By far, one of the biggest challenges that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it has to do with the fact that more people are working remotely than ever before.

Within the world of mobile app development, it’s likely that some of your workforce was already working from home (or at least, remotely) some of the time. But overnight, everyone was probably sent home – unsure of when they’d be coming back into the office again. They have the tools necessary to keep working in a literal sense, but do they have the mentality that is required to remain productive? Does your workforce have the structure they need to keep pushing forward with any project that was already in development, along with the new ones that were right behind them?

Possibly. It depends. But regardless – you need to make sure that your mobile app project stays on track during COVID-19. The future of your business depends on it. So if you want to make absolutely certain that this continues to happen, there are a few important things to keep in mind.

Your Efforts Begin and End With Communication

By far, the most important thing you can do to make sure that your app project stays on track during COVID-19 involves making sure that everyone remains on the same page at all times.

Begin your efforts by reaching out to individual team members to see what they’re working on and what their progress is. For the best results, you should be reaching out to people on at least a daily basis for something of a routine status check.

Don’t consider this an afterthought – you need to actually carve out time on your schedule and put it on your calendar. If there’s a problem that takes place while everyone is in the office, you’ll know about it immediately and you can adapt because word travels fast. You don’t always have that luxury when people are spread out in so many different directions, so you have to be proactive about how you address this moving forward.

Together, Apart

Likewise, don’t forget that there is actually something bigger than your current mobile app project at stake, here: namely, your company culture.

When everyone is suddenly working remotely, it is very, very easy for people to become disengaged with the business around them. Sure, they’re still “working” in a literal sense – but is the passion there that someone had when they were still coming into the office?

Now, more than ever before, it’s critically important to use every opportunity to bring people together so that they are constantly reminded that they’re part of a team and that their contributions matter. Even going beyond weekly meetings where everyone gives an update of their progress, consider hosting “Zoom Happy Hours” and other events similar to the ones you would participate in under normal circumstances.

Regardless of what you have to do, it should be a top priority to keep people engaged whenever possible. Engaged employees are happy employees, and happy employees are far more productive than your average worker – even in crisis conditions like these.

So if you’re worried that your mobile app project might be coming off the rails during COVID-19, you should always return to the element that matters the most: your people. If you’re able to take care of your people in all the ways that they need and respect from a leader, that will absolutely find its way back into your mobile app project where it belongs. At that point, you won’t have a thing to worry about – beyond getting the NEXT important project on the docket off the ground, of course.

Contact us today to discuss an app development project for your company!

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